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Home page

About Anya

Podcasts and recordings


Getting Ready for Baby

Getting Ready Checklist

  Understanding attachment

  Designing the nursery

  Your amazing newborn

  10 cool - and useful - baby facts

  8 baby parenting fads

Becoming Parents (maternal instinct is a myth!)

  Science-based parenting

      When 'best' parenting techniques don't work

  3 things partners can do to support each other

  4 lesser-known challenges of baby's first year

DIY Projects

  Baby towel

  Baby wipes

  Keepsake box


3 ways to help baby sleep

  Newborn sleep (a free guide)

  Should baby sleep with a pacifier

  Which baby sleep book is best for your family (a quiz)

Baby sleep cycles: what you really need to know

  Why do babies fight sleep?

  The 4-month sleep regression

  A baby sleep story


What is baby-led feeding?

  "Help! My baby spits food out!"

  4 signs your baby is ready for solids

    Food before one is NOT just for fun

  Comfortable and affordable high chair 

  Is it OK to feed baby in a car seat?

  Tongue tie in babies

Care and Play

Best baby activities are... not activities

  How babies learn, and why less is more

  How to create a 100% safe play space

  Separation anxiety is a good sign

  Mirrors in the playroom: are they necessary?

  Flash cards for baby: are they necessary?

   "Container Baby Syndrome": something to worry about?

  Screen time for baby: the science

  Is background TV okay for babies

  Tips to support language development

  Books to read with your baby

Choosing daycare (a free guide)

Will pandemic-born babies be socially disadvantaged?

Book: Baby Ecology

Baby Ecology description + reviews

  Why I wrote Baby Ecology


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